Gratin dauphinois. This dauphinois is topped with Gruyere cheese and baked, making it a gratin dauphinois and extra delicious. The best potatoes to use for a gratin are floury baking potatoes. The softness of these potatoes means they will soak up all the lovely, creamy, garlicky creaminess.
The dish has so many fancy French names: pommes de terre dauphinoise, potatoes à la dauphinoise and gratin de pommes à la dauphinoise.
What does au gratin mean in English?
Gratin Dauphinois is the perfect accompaniment to a roast or roast beef.
You can have Gratin dauphinois using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Gratin dauphinois
- You need 1 kg of pommes de terre.
- You need 1 gousse of d'ail.
- Prepare 20 cl of crème fraiche.
- It's 20 cl of lait.
- Prepare of fromage rapé.
- You need of sel et poivre.
The gratin Dauphinois (potato gratin) is French specialty from the town of Grenoble and it is made out of top quality potatoes thinly sliced evenly (using a mandolin or food processor) garlic and cream. The authentic gratin dauphinois never contains cheese. for optimum result when making it at home it is best cooked in a medium sized dish. My favorite part about gratin dauphinois is the crisp layer on top. I get the same sense of thrill that I do when I break my spoon into the burnt sugar topping of crème brûlée.
Gratin dauphinois step by step
- Laver et peler les pommes de terres, les couper en fines lamelles..
- Dans un plat à gratin, disposer les pommes de terre, la gousse d'ail écrasée et arroser de crème et de lait..
- Saler, poivrer et recouvrir de fromage rapé..
- Mettre au four à 180 degrés pendant 1h 30..
It's the combination of the crispy texture and incredibly cheesy flavor that you get from scooping from that entire layer of gruyere that was placed on top. Gratin dauphinois is the essence of French comfort cooking. It's quick and easy to prepare. The most difficult part is the actual preparation of potatoes but if you have the correct tools, i.e. potato peeler and mandolin, it is a doddle. Prior to starting this recipe, you also need to source the right type of potatoes.