Mutabal Aubergine syrien. Baked aubergine is one of my favourites: slice the aubergine in half, slash the flesh and rub it with something tasty like pesto, salsa macha or chermoula. Even something as simple as olive oil, salt and pepper will do. Any left-over fried aubergine would be used to make mutabal in the evenings, now a days the aubergines are strictly grilled for this dip.
Brush with oil, then grill until skin is blackened and flesh is very soft and tender.
Editor's note: Use this recipe to make Rawia Bishara's Eggplant Napoleon.
In most Middle Eastern countries (apart from Nazareth, where baba ghanouj is called mutabal), the ingredients in this.
You can have Mutabal Aubergine syrien using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Mutabal Aubergine syrien
- It's 1 of Aubergine.
- Prepare 3 of l'ail.
- You need of 1 c à c de Sel.
- Prepare of Persil quelques feuilles.
- Prepare of 2 c à s de Tahina.
- Prepare of Une boîte de yaourt nature.
- You need of 2 c à s de crème liquide.
Mutabal is a Syrian eggplant salad, prevalent in many Arab countries. It is very nutritious, with a creamy taste due to the sesame paste (tahina) and yogurt. Eggplant being a low-carb, low cal vegetable, paired with tahini and yogurt, makes mutabal a low-carb, high protein snack. No morning or gathering is complete in Syria without a cup of coffee so intense to boost your entire day!
Mutabal Aubergine syrien step by step
- Nous lavons bien l'aubergine et la torréfions au gaz à feu doux, en prenant soin de la retourner de temps en temps jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit tendre. Laissez l'aubergine refroidir, épluchez-la, puis écrasez-la bien dans un bol. Ajouter l'ail écrasé, le tahini, le sel et le yaourt nature et crème liquide au mélange et bien mélanger les ingrédients.Mettre le mélange dans un plat de service et garnir d'huile d'olive et de persil..
Aubergine Lehi Catering exceeded expectations by far. It was a huge hit and their team did much more set up than we've experienced with any of the other restaurants around Thanksgiving Park including little food labels, all eco paper plates and bowls, napkins and utensils. Slice the aubergines in half lengthways, keeping on the stalk. Smear the skins with olive oil and spread the cut sides with the walnut and mint mixture. The modern aubergine owes its origin to the wild version that is native to South East Asia.