°Moussaka°. Also, if possible, have a friend/child/spouse on hand to help you out. Get Moussaka Recipe from Food Network. While it takes a bit of time, it's actually quite simple to make.
Food is served just warm or at room temperature (but cooked that day - otherwise it is reheated.
Moussaka is to the Eastern Mediterranean what lasagna is to Italy: A very rich, special casserole that is perfect for Sunday dinners or potluck gatherings.
The recipe takes some time to put together, but like a good lasagna, it's worth it!
You can cook °Moussaka° using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of °Moussaka°
- You need 150 g of parmesan râpé.
- It's 600 g of d'aubergines coupées en tranches 1cm.
- It's 600 g of pommes de terre coupées en tranches 1cm.
- It's of Pour la viande :.
- It's 1 of oignon émincé.
- You need 50 g of d'huile d'olive.
- Prepare 700 g of boeuf haché ou de viande d'agneau hachée.
- It's 150 g of vin rouge.
- Prepare 400 g of tomates concassées.
- It's 2 of cuil. à café de sel.
- It's 1/2 of cuil. à café de poivre.
- It's 1/4 of de cuil. à café de clou de girofle en poudre.
- Prepare 1 of cuil. à café cannelle.
- You need of Pour la sauce mornay :.
- You need 60 g of beurre en morceaux.
- It's 80 g of farine.
- It's 1 l of lait.
- Prepare 1 of cuil. à café de sel.
- You need of Du poivre.
- It's 1 of pincée de muscade.
- Prepare 1 of oeuf.
Moussaka (/ m uː ˈ s ɑː k ə /, / ˌ m uː s ə ˈ k ɑː / or / ˌ m uː s ɑː ˈ k ɑː /) is an eggplant- and/or potato-based dish, often including ground meat, which is common in the Balkans and the Middle East, with many local and regional variations. Although moussaka is a dish most associated with Greece, it is in fact well known in many other countries in the Middle East, each having its own version of this hearty and filling casserole. Classic moussaka is made by layering potatoes, eggplants, and a meaty lamb sauce, and then covering the dish in an egg-enriched béchamel sauce that. Moussaka is definitely a labor of love.
°Moussaka° step by step
- Faire cuire les aubergines et les pommes de terre à la vapeur 20 mn et les réserver.
- Dans une cocotte faire rissoler l'oignon dans l'huile d'olive, ajoutez la viande hachée et faite la revenir pendant 5 mn. Ajoutez ensuite le vin rouge, les tomates, le sel le poivre, le clou de girofle, et la cannelle, faites mijoter le tout pendant 1 h..
- Dans un plat à gratin disposez les pommes de terre ajouter un peu d'huile d'olive et du sel mélangez délicatement, étalez en une couche uniforme..
- Parsemez la surface des pommes de terre avec le parmesan, ajoutez la moitié de la viande hachée, disposez les aubergines sur la viande, parsemez de parmesan et recouvrir avec le reste de viande hachée..
- Procédez ensuite à la sauce mornay en réalisant une béchamel puis ajoutez le jaune d'œuf et les 40 g de parmesan restant. Versez la sauce Mornay sur la préparation parsemez l'ensemble de parmesan et cuire la moussaka au four à 180° pendant 40 à 50 minutes.
It isn't hard to make at all, but it does involve multiple steps and does take time to make. The good news however is that moussaka is a prime example of a dish that can be made well in advance and then simply popped in the oven before serving. It earned high marks when we made it for his class. Men love the hearty meat-and-potatoes combination. Greek Moussaka recipe - A delicious taste of Greece.