Caviar d'aubergines (vegan). Vegan recipe - Eggplant caviar (caviar d'aubergines): The caviar d'aubergines is a Provencal specialties. Let sit until skin begins to char, continue to turn and let sit on fire as each side chars. En d un pain de canar d'aubergine.
Eggplant caviar is one of my all time favorite dishes.
I always assumed it was a Russian dish.
No idea why it's called eggplant caviar.
You can have Caviar d'aubergines (vegan) using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Caviar d'aubergines (vegan)
- You need 2 of grosses aubergines.
- Prepare of Huile d'olive.
- Prepare 1 cs of tahin.
- You need 2 gousses of d'ail.
- It's of Jus de citron.
- Prepare of Sel, poivre, cumin.
My mother (who was born in Russia) made a very different version. She used roasted eggplant then after cooling chopped it up and cooked with tomato, onions, green pepper and slices of carrot in peel form. Vegan Baba Ganoush recipe from scratch, a creamy Middle Eastern Levantine dip (originally Lebanese) meaning " spoiled dad " or as the French call it "caviar d'aubergines" or eggplant caviar. Made with roasted eggplants, tahini, lemon, garlic and smoky spices, this eggplant dip is easy to make, dairy free + gluten free!
Caviar d'aubergines (vegan) instructions
- Couper les aubergines en 2, les entailler avec un couteau, ajouter un filet d'huile d'olive et les mettre au four à 180° pendant 20 à 30 mn..
- Lorsqu'elles sont cuites, prélever leur chaire avec une cuillère. Ajouter le tahin, l'ail pressé, le jus de citron, un filet d'huile d'olive et l'assaisonnement. Mixer le tout ou bien mélanger avec une fourchette. Mettre au frais et consommer ce caviar d'aubergines avec des crackers, des légumes crus, en tartines, etc...
Voir plus d'idées sur le thème recette, cuisine, caviar d'aubergine. All of them have one thing in common: a simple cooking method and clever spicing, elevating the humble aubergine to a delicacy level. This is best conveyed by the fact that the French have called their version of this dish "caviar d'aubergines". The best way to cook the aubergines is by charring them directly over a gas stove or a barbecue. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème cuisine, recette, aubergine.