Recette: Savoureux Gratin automnal

Recette: Savoureux Gratin automnal

Recettes délicieuses.

Gratin automnal. Halve the potatoes and toss them into a large baking dish and season with salt and pepper. Meanwhile, put the cream, butter, herbs, and garlic in a small. The gratin Dauphinois (potato gratin) is French specialty from the town of Grenoble and it is made out of top quality potatoes thinly sliced evenly (using a mandolin or food processor) garlic and cream.

Gratin automnal Staff Picks Spinach, Caramelized Onion, and Muenster Au Gratin Potatoes These delicious gratin recipes are perfect for adding a French accent to everything from weekday dinners to holiday feasts. I will not make Au Gratin Potatoes from a box mix again! I would mince the onion and mix it throughout the potatoes. You can have Gratin automnal using 8 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Gratin automnal

  1. You need 1/2 of fenouil ou entier si votre fenouil est petit.
  2. It's 6 of pommes de terre.
  3. You need 20 cl of crème fraîche.
  4. It's of Poignée de gruyère.
  5. You need 2 of /3 tomates.
  6. Prepare 1 of oignon.
  7. You need of Sel, poivre, herbes de Provence.
  8. You need 200 g of Lardons.

We did not care for the big, slimy rings of cheese-covered onions in the center of the dish, although we did like the flavor of the onions. Arrange some of the potato slices, edges overlapping, in a single layer on the bottom of the prepared baking dish. These homemade au gratin potatoes are always welcome at our dinner table, and they're so simple to make. Some potato gratin recipes call for soaking potatoes prior to assembling the gratin, but that's not necessary here.

Gratin automnal instructions

  1. Préchauffer le four à 180 degrés. Éplucher et couper tous les légumes, fenouil et oignons en lamelles, pommes de terre et tomates en rondelles. Mettre dans un plat allant au four, les tous les légumes puis les lardons, assaisonner à votre convenance. Ajoutez la crème et parsemer de gruyère, enfourner 35/40 minutes..

Instead, the recipe comes together in a straightforward manner, with the thin slices simmering in milk and cream until it thickens a bit. Serve the gratin with beef such as London broil or a roasted chicken for a classic meal. Remove the stalks from the fennel and cut the bulbs in half lengthwise. Gratiné definition, to bake or broil (food) in au gratin style. Arrange a layer of potatoes in the baking dish, and sprinkle some of the cheeses.
