Houmous. Try this quick and easy hummus recipe. It comes together in minutes with a handful of simple ingredients: olive oil, chickpeas, lemon, garlic and salt. Just so we are all on the same page, let's talk about what hummus is.
Hummus, that creamy dip that hails from the Middle East, has a reputation as a clean, healthy food.
All the main ingredients are super foods in their own right.
The best hummus is lusciously creamy, yet somehow light and fluffy.
You can cook Houmous using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Houmous
- You need 2 gousses of d'ail.
- Prepare 1 boîte of pois chiche (240g).
- It's 4 cuillères à soupe of purée de sésame blanc-tahin.
- You need 2 cuillères à soupe of jus de citron.
- Prepare 2 cuillères à soupe of d'huile d'olive.
- Prepare of Du sel et du poivre.
- It's of Du cumin.
It's beautifully smooth and swirled, and begging to be scooped up onto a wedge of pita bread. It's nutty and tangy, thanks to the tahini, with notes of bright, fresh lemon and mellow garlic. Put everything except the parsley in a food processor and begin to process; add the chickpea liquid or water as needed to allow the machine to produce a smooth puree. Hummus is a great source of dietary fiber, which can improve digestive health.
Houmous step by step
- Vous pouvez enlever la peau des pois chiches pour optenir de l'houmous plus onctueux..
- Dans un mixeur, mettre les pois chiche.
- Couper les gousses d'ail en 2 et les mettre dans le mixeur..
- Ajouter la purée de sésame blanc-tahin..
- Ajouter l'huile d'olive et le jus de citron..
- Ajouter une pincé de cumin.
- Mixer le tout et vous pouvez ensuite tartiner vos toasts d'houmous..
The word "houmous" is the most popular of these variants, especially in British English, but it is still listed in UK dictionaries as a less common spelling. So while you can't go wrong with either hummus or houmous, hummus is by far the most popular spelling. That said, there could be some deeper reasoning at play. You may need to stop the food processor from time to time to scrape down the sides. If the hummus is looking grainy, I would recommend adding an ice cube or two in there, which helps to smoothen out the mixture.