Vegetarian Avocado toast. Add parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder; mash together using a potato masher. Spread avocado mixture into each piece of toast. While the bread is toasting slice the avocado in half, remove the seed, and scoop out the flesh into a bowl.
With a base of pinto beans, it's a higher-protein variation on avocado toast that makes for a quick dinner sandwich.
Here are more of VegKitchen's delicious sandwiches and wraps *This post contains affiliate links.
And this Basic Avocado Toast couldn't be easier to make!
You can have Vegetarian Avocado toast using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Vegetarian Avocado toast
- It's 4 of avocats.
- Prepare 4 of tranches de pain de campagne.
- Prepare 4 of tomates séchées marinées à l'huile.
- You need 2 of oignon blanc nouveau.
- Prepare 4 gousses of d'ail.
- You need 1 of bouquet de basilic.
- Prepare 15 cl of d'huile d'olive.
- You need 100 g of pignons de pin.
- You need 1 of jus d'un citron.
- Prepare 1 c. of à thé de piment Espelette.
- You need of sel et poivre.
Just toast some bread of your choice, rub with a crushed garlic clove, spread the mashed avocado on top, sprinkle with some salt & pepper, and you're done! You can add some extra ingredients, like chopped parsley and olive oil for some extra flavor, as well. Here are some more recipes that you may enjoy: A vegan alternative Avocado Toast with Radish A different twist Tomato Avocado Toast A vegetarian classic The Ultimate Avocado Sandwich Protein packed Bicep Buster Baked Potato New and exciting Chickpea Pancakes Super healthy Avocado Chickpea Salad Smooth and creamy Avocado Salad Dressing Quick and delicious Manc Special Baked Potato Avocado toast in it's most basic form is just that; sliced or smashed avocado on top of a piece of toast with a sprinkle of your favorite spices. Simple, basic but OMG is it good!
Vegetarian Avocado toast step by step
- Dans un premier temps, disposez dans le bol de votre robot mixer, les gousses d'ail pelées, la chair d'un avocat, les pignons de pin, le jus de citron, l'huile d'olive et le bouquet de basilic, dont vous aurez gardé quelques feuilles pour la décoration finale..
- Mixez finement le tout, jusqu'à obtenir une purée bien lisse..
- Faites griller les tranches de pain, sans trop les colorer. Découpez l'oignon blanc en fines lamelles, détaillez les tomates séchées en petits morceaux, et coupez les avocats restants en lamelles..
- Nappez les toasts du pistou d'avocat, puis déposez harmonieusement les éléments de votre avocado toast. Salez et poivrez, saupoudrez de piment d'Espelette. Il vous sera facile de varier les garnitures sur cette base commune d'avocado toast, en disposant par exemple des rondelles de radis, des lamelles de courgettes ou autres asperges vertes... Ce sera toujours un moment gourmand..
It's rich like buttered toast, only vegan, heartier and so effing good and good for you! Plus, it's like, the prettiest dish ever to Instagram #Foodie #CleanEats. This avocado toast is so nourishing and refreshing. It's healthy and easy to prepare! Avocado on toast may sound too simple, but if you know how to season it to your taste, this simple toast turns into an extraordinary dish that can be eaten at any time of the day.