Aligot. Aligot does not keep very well. However, if you must, it can be held for a short time by placing grease-proof paper like parchment on the surface of the potatoes, making sure it is in direct contact with the aligot. This method will help prevent a skin forming on the potatoes, which would make the aligot unpleasantly lumpy if you stir it in.
Somewhere between buttery mashed potatoes and pure melted cheese lies aligot, the comforting, cheese-enhanced mashed-potato dish from central France The key to getting a smooth, airy texture is to rice the potatoes while they're still hot, then incorporate cold butter, hot milk and grated cheese over low heat To build up the stringiness of that melting cheese, Ham el-Waylly, a chef at the.
Pommes aligot, mashed potatoes enriched with some cream and plenty of melted Tomme (cheese), may just be one of the finest ways to eat potatoes.
Aligot is a comforting dish of cheesy whipped potatoes that originated in the L'Aubrac region of central France.
You can cook Aligot using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Aligot
- It's 1 kg of pommes de terre à purée.
- You need 500 g of tomme fraîche.
- You need 10 cl of lait.
- It's of Ail.
- It's of Beurre.
- You need of Sel.
- It's of Poivre.
Traditional aligot is made with Tomme d'Auvergne, a creamy young cheese that's. Potatoes can be used in so many ways: gnocchi, French fries, smashed potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato dauphinois, pomme purée, and, what I feel is the highest form of potatory, the aligot. When made well, it should be very smooth. I hate mealy aligot potatoes that happen when the potatoes aren't hot enough and are overworked at low temperature.
Aligot instructions
- Éplucher les pommes de terres et les cuir à la vapeur.
- Passer les pommes de terre dans un écrase purée..
- Ajouter le lait, le beurre, l’ail écrasé, le sel et le poivre..
- Couper la tomme en petits morceaux et les incorporer à la purée. Bien mélanger..
- Servir bien chaud accompagné d’une viande rouge ou de saucisses de morteau!.
In a large pot over medium-high heat, add the potatoes, garlic, and cover with cold water. Add a big pinch of salt. To all cheese lovers, potato lovers, and cheesy potato lovers out there — this is heaven. Pommes Aligot is more than just a cheesy twist on mashed potatoes. This incredibly magical blend of potatoes and cheese was born in the French region of Midi-Pyrénées, and it is a celebration of regional cheese, served on special occasions alongside sausage or roasted meat.