Recette: Délicieux Soupe ratatouille

Recette: Délicieux Soupe ratatouille

Recettes délicieuses.

Soupe ratatouille. Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Make an unforgettable lunch or a warming dinner party starter in one short hour with this hearty French-inspired soup. Based on the classic roasted vegetable dish, this soup is ultra filling and features a beautiful array of colors that will impress guests.

Soupe ratatouille Melt the butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the potatoes, salt and pepper and then stir. This is a flavorful, hearty recipe, but very low calorie. You can cook Soupe ratatouille using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Soupe ratatouille

  1. It's 1 of Poireau.
  2. You need 300 g of Pommes de terre.
  3. Prepare 300 g of Chair de potimarron.
  4. It's 2 of Poivrons rouges.
  5. Prepare 1/4 of chou blanc.
  6. You need 1 of Oignon.
  7. It's 2 gousses of Ail.
  8. It's 1 of bouquet garni.
  9. You need 60 g of tomates séchées.
  10. It's 2 of càs huile d’olives.
  11. You need 1,2 l of bouillon de légumes.
  12. It's of Sel.
  13. Prepare of Poivre.

I served it as a main dish with couscous to soak up the liquid. Ratatouille is a French dish that traditionally has eggplant, tomatoes, and other veggies. Sometimes traditional ratatouille is a stew made out of peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and plenty of fresh herbs, but it's also frequently made more like a casserole, like this one. Coat a large wide pan with olive oil.

Soupe ratatouille step by step

  1. Coupez la base ainsi que la partie verte de votre poireau, lavez-le soigneusement puis coupez-le en tronçons..
  2. Ôtez la première peau d’oignon et ciselez-le. Passez les gousses d’ail au presse-ail pour en récupérer la pulpe..
  3. Peler et couper les pommes de terre en cubes. Taillez la chair de potimarron en petits cubes..
  4. Trancher le chou ensemble avec la base..
  5. Lavez les poivrons. Coupez-les en 2, ôtez le pédoncule, éliminez les graines ainsi que l’ensemble des côtes blanches puis taillez la chair en morceaux. Hacher grossièrement les tomates séchées..
  6. Dans une cocotte, faites revenir l’oignon dans l’huile avec un peu de sel sur feu moyen/fort pendant 3 minutes en prenant soin de mélanger régulièrement..
  7. Ajoutez l’ensemble des légumes et le bouquet. Rajouter le bouillon de légumes. A la reprise de l’ébullition, faites mijoter pendant 25 minutes. Salez et poivrez..

Add the onions, season with salt and crushed red pepper and bring the pan to a medium heat. Cook the onions until they are soft and very aromatic but have no. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. The first step is to dice the vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, onions and garlic. Have the rest of the ingredients on hand: olive oil, canned Italian plum tomatoes, tomato paste, fresh thyme, herbs de Provence, a bay leaf, capers, salt and pepper.
