Muffin butternut. These really are perfect butternut squash muffins! Add brown sugar, orange juice and spices. Remove from muffin pan and cool on a wire rack.
But there was just one problem — I … Blend butternut squash in Ventray blender until finely chopped Transfer puree into Ventray stand mixer bowl, add in eggs, sugar, salt, baking powder Beat at medium speed with a flat beater until well combined Add in cinnamon, olive oil, walnuts, flour, beat at medium speed, scrap sides of the bowl with a spatula Butternut Squash Muffins with cinnamon, apples, and walnuts are packed with protein since they use Greek yogurt instead of oil.
Enjoy them for a healthy snack or even breakfast.
So.why would you want to make Butternut Squash Muffins when there are so many fantastic pumpkin muffin recipes out there?
You can have Muffin butternut using 9 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Muffin butternut
- It's 100 g of farine semi-complète.
- It's 50 g of Maïzena ou 150g de farine.
- You need 200 g of potimarron/butternut.
- Prepare 50 g of sucre complet ou sucre de coco.
- You need 75 ml of d’huile de son choix.
- You need 2 of oeufs.
- It's 1/2 of sachet de levure chimique.
- Prepare of Des épices de votre choix (cannelle, vanille, 4 épices…).
- Prepare 10 of carrés de chocolat noir (70% minimum de cacao, c’est le top!).
Replace the butternut squash puree with sweet potato puree or pumpkin puree. Make them gluten free by using gluten-free oat flour in place of the whole wheat flour. Whizz the butternut squash in a food processor until it is finely chopped. Add in the sugar and eggs and whizz till mixed.
Muffin butternut instructions
- Préchauffer le four à 180°C. Cuire la courge à la vapeur. Quand elle est cuite, écrasez-là à la fourchette dans un saladier. Ajouter les oeufs et le sucre. Fouetter le tout. Verser l’huile et mélanger. Ajouter la farine, la Maïzena, la levure, le sel et les épices. Mélanger. Quand la pâte est homogène, remplir 1/3 des moules à muffins avec la pâte. Mettre un carré de chocolat noir au centre de la pâte, dans chaque moule à muffins. Recouvrir les carrés de pâte au 3/4. Enfournez 20min à 180 degrés.
Add in a pinch of salt, the flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and olive oil and whizz again until just combined. Add the sugar and lemon zest to a large mixing bowl. Use your fingers to rub the zest into the sugar. This helps release even more flavor. In a small bowl, whisk the egg, squash, buttermilk, honey and butter.