Ratatouille maison. I usually make a saute version of ratatouille, to keep the vegetables crispy, but this baked version came out with nice crisp vegetables too, and it was very easy to make. I added some thyme and rosemary, and a splash of white wine and served over rice to soak up the delicious juices. This is a perfect addition to my harvest season collection.
Cook the onions until they are soft and very aromatic but have no.
Ratatouille was a staple side item that we often served up to accompany main entrees on the menu.
I remember everything making that recipe from prepping the zucchini, squash, and eggplant to the sautéing of the vegetables and then finishing it off with herbs and cheese and sending it out the door to dining room guests.
You can have Ratatouille maison using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Ratatouille maison
- It's 2 of courgettes.
- It's 1 of aubergine.
- You need 1 of poivron vert - 1 poivron rouge.
- It's 3 of tomates.
- You need 1 of oignon.
- It's 2 gousses of d'ail.
- It's 1 of bouquet garnis.
- Prepare of Huile d'olive.
- Prepare of Sel.
- It's of Poivre.
Ratatouille is a French dish that traditionally has eggplant, tomatoes, and other veggies. Sometimes traditional ratatouille is a stew made out of peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and plenty of fresh herbs, but it's also frequently made more like a casserole, like this one. The ratatouille sauce sits on the bottom and the veggies on top! Ratatouille is a classic vegetable stew from Provence, France, with tomatoes, eggplants, summer squash, bell peppers, onions and garlic.
Ratatouille maison step by step
- Lavez et découpez les courgettes, le poivron vert et le rouge et l'aubergine en cubes de taille moyenne. Coupez les tomates en quartiers et émincez l'oignon..
- Dans une poêle, versez un peu d'huile d'olive et faites-y revenir les différents légumes les uns après les autres pendant 5 minutes pour qu'ils colorent. Commencez par les poivrons, puis les courgettes, les aubergines et enfin les oignons et les tomates que vous cuirez ensemble..
- Après avoir fait cuire les légumes, ajoutez-les tous aux tomates et aux oignons, puis mélangez. Ajoutez un beau bouquet garni de thym, de romarin et de laurier, salez, poivrez, puis couvrez en laissant mijoter 40 min, en remuant régulièrement..
- Avant la fin de la cuisson, ajoutez les deux belles gousses d'ail coupées en morceaux puis couvrez de nouveau..
- Découpez le boeuf en morceaux et faire mariner la viande 3h voir mieux toute une nuit dans un mélange d'oignon, d'ail pressé, d' herbes de Provence et huile d'olive. Mettre ensuite les morceaux de viande sur un pique et les placer sur le barbecue ou plancha..
- Vous pouvez déguster cette bonne ratatouille avec des grillades ou du poisson..
And because it is even better the next day or two, it is the perfect make-ahead meal. I highly recommend making a big batch to freeze for later! Ratatouille, an Easy Tasty Vegetable Dish made with all fresh vegetables, the perfect side dish or main dish. Easy Ratatouille I have become a big vegetable lover, believe it or not after moving to Italy. I don't think there is a vegetable I don't like, oh yeah fave beans, cooked or raw.