Crêpes ❤. This is a scrumptious recipe for thin, delicious German style pancakes. I'm a professional musician and recording artist, and I often find myself in the kitchens of recording studios, trying to make something edible from the staple ingredients studios keep in their kitchens. Wait until the surface of a crêpe is no longer shiny and the edges are starting to brown.
Go French with Alton Brown's foolproof Crepes recipe from Good Eats on Food Network.
Add veggies for a savory version; use chocolate and berries for dessert.
I also put mixture in blender instead of whisking which helps.
You can cook Crêpes ❤ using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Crêpes ❤
- You need 3 of oeufs.
- It's 3 cs of sucre.
- You need 3 cs of beurre fondu.
- You need 1 of pincée de sel.
- It's of Vanille.
- It's 250 g of farine.
- Prepare 600 ml of lait.
- You need of Finition :.
- It's 1 of peu d'huile pour la crêpière.
- You need of De la confiture et du sucre glace.
Serve crêpes warm with fresh fruit and powdered sugar. This content is imported from embed-name. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able. In medium bowl, mix flour, granulated sugar, baking powder and salt.
Crêpes ❤ step by step
- Dans un saladier, travaillez oeufs, sucre, pincée de sel et la vanille avec le fouer manuel..
- Après rajoutez le beurre et mélangez..
- Après rajoutez la farine et bien mélanger..
- Ensuite autour du lait, versez le petit a petit et mélangez pour éviter d'avoir des grumeaux..
- Huilez la crêpière et cuire les crêpes sur feu moyen des deux côtés..
- Fourrez les crêpes avec de la confiture de votre choix ou de la pâte a tartiner..
- Saupoudrez de sucre glace comme touche finale..
Beat with wire whisk just until smooth. Whisk together the flour and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk together the eggs and sugar in a large bowl until pale. Crepes are pancakes all dressed up -- lacy, feather light, and elegant. The lightness doesn't come from the same chemical leavening or yeast that makes pancakes rise; on the contrary, crepe batter is too thin to hold the gas bubbles that result in the pancake's thickness.