Crêpes suzettes. Whisk together the flour and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk together the eggs and sugar in a large bowl until pale. Get Crepes Suzette Recipe from Food Network.
Fold crepes into quarters, and arrange in circular pattern, slightly overlapping, in a nonreactive skillet or other shallow flameproof pan.
Warm liqueur in pan that held orange syrup.
Crêpes Suzette (pronounced [kʁɛp syˈzɛt]) is a French dessert consisting of crêpes with beurre Suzette (pronounced [bœʁ syzɛt]), a sauce of caramelized sugar and butter, tangerine or orange juice, zest, and Grand Marnier, triple sec or orange Curaçao liqueur on top, prepared in a tableside performance, flambé.
You can cook Crêpes suzettes using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Crêpes suzettes
- Prepare 300 g of farine.
- You need 75 cl of lait entier.
- It's 3 of oeufs.
- Prepare 50 g of sucre en poudre.
- Prepare 3 of oranges non traitées.
- You need 50 g of sucre.
- Prepare 2 of cuil. à café de Grand Marnier.
The origin of the dish and its name is disputed. Suzette creperie & Cafe is an authentic french creperie in the Worcester canal district. We serve savory, sweet, vegan and gluten free crepes as well as brunch crepes on weekends and specials. The crepe suzette is a crepe coated with a sugary mandarin and orange liqueur flavoured butter while the crepes flambe is a crepe bathed in a preparation made out of sugar orange and lemon juice, topped up with grand marnier and flambe with cognac toward the end.
Crêpes suzettes instructions
- Dans un saladier ou dans le bol du robot, mélanger les ingrédients de la pâte. Si elle est trop épaisse rajouter un peu d'eau. Pour bien faire il faut que la pâte repose 1 h..
- Prendre une crépière, et badigeonner avec un quignon de pain dur sur lequel vous aurez mis une noisette de beurre (c'est une astuce pour bien mettre du beurre partout dans la poêle), et verser une bonne cuillère de pâte en faisant tourner doucement la poêle..
- Réserver les crêpes sur un plat au dessus d'une casserole d'eau chaude pour les garder au chaud. Préparer le sirop d'orange avec le jus de 2 oranges. Prélevez les zestes et confectionner avec la 3è orange les suprêmes..
- Dans une poêle, verser le jus d'orange, le zeste, le sucre et le Grand Marnier, ainsi que les suprêmes. Faire réduire doucement. Dresser 2 crêpes dans une assiette de présentation et verser la préparation du dessus. Servez chaud..
Now let's have a look at each recipe and what you need to make them. Welcome to Suzette's Creperie with French Wine Bar, Bistro and Afternoon High Tea. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our French restaurant; award-winning, exclusively French Wine Bar; Bistro with Afternoon Tea Service and our French-inspired Bakery, patterned after the Boulangeries and Patisseries of Paris. Crepes suzette were made famous in elegant Parisian restaurants at the turn of the twentieth century and have become standard French dessert fare. That they were accidentally created by a young waiter who was serving the Prince of Wales, and then named for the prince's companion, Suzette, is a nice story but probably not true.