Banana bread de chocolat healty. Bananas, yogurt and milk come together to make the bread super moist without using any butter or oil and honey sweetens it perfectly without any other sugars or sweeteners. Cocoa powder and chocolate chips make it extra chocolaty. They looked at me like I'm a crazy lady and smiled.
This rich yet healthy chocolate banana bread is a delicious combination of banana and chocolate.
Moreover, it is free from refined sugar and prepared using whole grain flour.
If you happen to visit my kitchen, banana is one fruit that you will always find hanging around.
You can have Banana bread de chocolat healty using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Banana bread de chocolat healty
- You need 2 of bananes.
- You need 80 g of farine.
- You need 2 of œufs.
- You need 2 c.c of huile végétale de coco.
- You need 70 g of Pépites ou carré de chocolat noir.
- You need of Lait d'amamde ou de coco 3 c.s.
- Prepare 2 of c.s de maïzena.
- You need 2 of c.s de miel.
- You need of Topping Graine de chia, amandes concassées, noix acajou.
- You need of Essence de vanille.
- It's 1 of sachet de levure chimique.
- It's 1 of pince de sel.
Healthy Chocolate Banana Bread ♥ The recipe can be low fat, high fiber, vegan, gluten free, oil free, and refined sugar free. It makes a great gift, and leftover slices can also be frozen for a rainy day when you need some instant chocolate comfort food! Healthy Banana Bread without Chocolate Chips. If you'd like a more low-calorie banana bread recipe, you can omit the chocolate chips or swap them for chopped nuts, fresh or frozen blueberries, or chopped dried fruit.
Banana bread de chocolat healty instructions
- Préparation de la recette : banana bread de chocolat healty Préchauffez le four à 180°. Beurrez et farinez un moule à cake.
- Dans un saladier, mélangez la farine, la levure, la maïzena, le sel et le sucre vanillé..
- Dans un second saladier, mixez les bananes. Ajoutez ensuite l'huile de coco, le miel le lait et les oeufs. Fouettez jusqu'à obtenir une texture de crème. Faire fondre 40g de chocolat..
- Versez la crème dans le saladier avec les aliments secs et le chocolat fondu Mélangez délicatement à l'aide d'un fouet. Ajoutez le reste de chocolat dans la pâte Mélangez à l'aide d'une spatule. Versez la préparation dans le moule et Enfournez environ 45 minutes. Laissez tiédir avant de démouler.
You can also bake this exact recipe as healthy banana bread muffins. The addition of yogurt to the recipe adds even more softness without weighing this bread down, and it's sweetened with pure maple syrup instead of refined sugar. Thanks to the extra banana, the bread needs just half a cup of sweetener for the entire recipe—half of what is called for in banana bread recipes from Martha Stewart, Food Network, Rachael Ray. To make dairy-free banana bread, use coconut oil instead of butter in the recipe. You may substitute the white whole wheat flour with regular whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour.