Banana breaks cœur fondant peanut butter et chocolat 🍫. How to make Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Breakfast Cookies: Mash the bananas. Mix together the oats, cocoa, peanut butter powder, and banana in a bowl. Press each mound out with the palm of your hand and shape into a circle with your fingers.
I think I need an intervention.
The next time I bake a loaf of chocolate banana bread, please come help me eat it!
This peanut butter chocolate chip bread is a favorite of my kids, either for a special breakfast on Easter morning or a side dish brought to a fancy brunch.
You can have Banana breaks cœur fondant peanut butter et chocolat 🍫 using 9 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Banana breaks cœur fondant peanut butter et chocolat 🍫
- Prepare 2 of bananes écrasée 🍌.
- It's 1 of banane entière 🍌.
- You need 100 gr of farine d’épeautre.
- You need 60 gr of farine d’avoine (goût chocolat noisette pour moi).
- Prepare 2 of œufs 🥚.
- It's 10 gr of sucre fleur de coco 🥥.
- It's 30 gr of lait de noisette 🌰.
- It's 1 of bande de carrés de chocolat noir.
- You need of Beurre de cacahuètes 🥜.
It is a very flexible recipe. You can use it for a plain banana bread, a peanut butter banana bread, or a chocolate chip banana bread. This Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Cake is delicious and versatile. Its fluffy cake texture and dark chocolate fudge ganache filling makes it a rich, decadent dessert.
Banana breaks cœur fondant peanut butter et chocolat 🍫 instructions
- Préchauffe ton four. Écrase les deux bananes (garde la dernière pour le dessus). Ajoute les œufs, ensuite la farine, la levure le sucre le sel puis le lait. Verse la moitié de la préparation dans un moule à cake puis insère la bande de carrés de chocolat et verse du beurre de cacahuète par dessus puis recouvre de pâte. Met la banane coupée en deux par dessus voilà !⏱30 min au four 180c🌡.
Its banana and peanut butter flavors totally make it a perfect, eye-opening breakfast. You get to have your cake and eat it for breakfast too! 🙂 Using a small spoon or butter knife, spread about ¼-½ teaspoon of peanut butter onto the bananas slices on the baking sheet. Once the banana peanut butter sandwiches are frozen, prepare the chocolate. Anyway, these peanut butter banana and chocolate drizzle cookies make the perfect mid morning or afternoon snack, and their smaller size doesn't let you feel like you are over eating. These are extremely easy to make.