Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸. When the sheet tray pancakes are fully cooked, remove from the oven and let cool for about five minutes. Slice the pancakes into squares, or feel free to get busy with some cookie cutters. The cookie cutter route can be optimal, as it leaves a lot of little pieces of pancake trimming for the chef to savor in the kitchen away from other mouths.
Serve now or freeze for up to a month.
Recette: Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸 Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸 - Recettes de Cuisine Faciles.
Nadiya Hussain's Peanut Butter and Jelly Traybake is a clever twist on the classic American flavour combination.
You can cook Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸 using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸
- Prepare 250 g of farine.
- Prepare 50 g of sucre.
- You need 1/2 Cuillère à café of sel.
- It's 1 cuillère à café of levure.
- You need 1/2 cuillère à café of bicarbonate (facultatif).
- You need 170 ml of lait.
- It's 2 of Ĺ“ufs.
- It's 2 cuillères à soupe of d’huile végétale.
- Prepare of Garnitures (confiture, fruits, chocolat, beurre de cacahuète...).
Like a giant shareable pancake, this easy one-dish recipe is great for a weekend breakfast. See more ideas about traybake cake, no bake cake, tray bakes. Nadiya Hussain's Peanut Butter and Jelly Traybake is a clever twist on the classic American flavour combination. Like a giant shareable pancake, this easy one-dish recipe is great for a weekend breakfast.
Pancake traybake (pancake en Gâteau) 🇺🇸 step by step
- Préchauffez votre four à 160°.Dans un saladier mettez la farine, le sucre, le sel, la levure et le bicarbonate. Mélangez le tout. Faites un puits et mettez Le lait, et l’huile et les œufs. Mélangez au fouet jusqu’à obtenir une pâte homogène. Mettez dans un plat du papier de cuisson et versez-y la pâte..
- Si vous utilisez pour la garniture, une confiture, du beurre de cacahouète ou chocolat, passez-là au micro-ondes quelques minutes pour qu’elle devienne un peu liquide. Avec une cuillère mettez de petites quantités espacées de la garniture sur la pâte. Puis avec un une baguette ou fourchette, mélangez légèrement la garniture à la pâte. Vous pouvez également mettre des fruits..
- Enfourner pendant 15 à 20 minutes. Et déguster avec une crème fouettée ou fromage blanc..
We use cookies on this site and by continuing to browse it you agree to sending us your cookies. Soft, light, fluffy and delicious pancakes in a fraction of the time and effort as regular pancakes? These really are the BEST Sheet Pan Pancakes ever, and they are easy and PERFECT for when you're serving for a crowd, or you simply don't want to stand around in your kitchen all morning making pancakes! 🙂. Make your weekend mornings even lazier with these Sheet Pan Pancakes! Emoji Pancake Art - Poop, Heart Eyes, Cold Face, Vomit Sheet-pan pancakes feed a crowd, without your standing over a hot skillet or griddle for long periods of time.