Lahmacun. What is Lahmacun and Where is it From? Flatbreads have been a popular thing throughout the Mediterranean for ages--from Italian pizza, to za'atar manaqish from the Levant, and Lahmacun, known as an Armenian specialty that's made it's way to Turkey. Lahmacun, pronounced "lahma'joun", comes from the Arabic "lahma bi'ajeen," which literally means "dough with meat." Lahmacun is a good example of Turkish regional cuisine and is originally from the southeastern part of Turkey famous for its spicy kebabs and other meat dishes.
Lahmacun is often wrapped around vegetables, including pickles, tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, parsley, and roasted.
Get Lahmacun Recipe from Food Network.
In Turkey, lahmacun is the ultimate street food and a favorite lunchtime snack.
You can have Lahmacun using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Lahmacun
- It's of Ingrédients (Pour environ 14 lahmacun.
- Prepare of Pour la pâte.
- You need 10 g of levure fraîche (ou 5g de levure sèche).
- Prepare 200 ml of d'eau tiède 100ml de lait tiède.
- It's 1 cuillère à café of sucre 1, 5 cuillère à café de sel.
- Prepare 500 g of farine.
- It's of Pour la garniture.
- It's 500 g of viande hachée de veau.
- It's 2 of oignons 2 gousses d'ail.
- It's 1/2 of poivron rouge 1/2 poivron vert.
- You need 2 of tomates pelées.
- It's 1 cuillère à soupe of concentré de tomate.
- It's 5 cuillères à soupe of d'huile 1, 5cuillère à café de sel.
- Prepare 1 cuillère à café of poivre 1cuillère à café de paprika.
- It's 1 cuillère à café of piment rouge en paillettes.
- You need 4 of branches de persil.
It can be found at numerous street stalls as well as in virtually any traditional Turkish restaurant, but also in kebab eateries where they. Toss parsley and lemon juice in a small bowl. Top each lahmacun with parsley mixture and drizzle with. Lahmacun is also known as Turkish Pizza (or Armenian Pizza).
Lahmacun instructions
- Dans un saladier saladier, mettre la levure +eau +lait +sucre,5 minutes après, mélangez et incorporez progressivement la farine +sel. Pétrir 5 minutes, on obtient une pâte ferme. Couvrez d'un linge de cuisine et laissez reposer 1 heure..
- Dans un saladier, mettre la viande hachée, les légumes hachés au robot, le concentré de tomate, l'huile, le sel, les épices, le persil haché. Mélangez.Divisez la pâte en 14 petites boules. Étalez la pâte finement à l'aide d'un rouleau à pâtisserie..
- Etalez la farce sur la pâte à l'aide du dos d'une cuillère.Soulevez la pâte en commençant d'une extrêmité car elle est très fine..
- Faire cuire dans un appareil à lahmacun pendant environ 5 minutes, ou dans une poêle avec couvercle à feu doux environ 6 minutes ou au four préchauffé à 190 degrés pendant environ 6 minutes. Après cuisson disposez les lahmacun de façon superposés pour ne pas qu'ils durcissent..
It brings a cracker thin crust together with a flavorful (and sometimes spicy) minced meat topping. While lahmacun (pronounced LA-ha-MA-chewn) may look like pizza, it is very different. Lahmacun (pronounced Lah-Ma-Joun) is a crispy and thin flatbread topped with a combination of minced meat and vegetables. It's also referred to as Turkish pizza, Armenian pizza, Syrian pizza and Lebanese pizza in some recipes and translated restaurant menus. This spicy, crispy Turkish Pizza, called 'Lahmacun' is a famous Turkish street food that can be made at home easily.