Riz au lait healthy. Riz au lait, otherwise known in English as rice pudding, is an easy recipe that has been around as long as anyone can remember. A classic dish that makes a healthy and gluten-free afternoon snack, but with enough flavor to feel sufficiently decadent for dessert. Healthy Milk Rice or Riz Au Lait.
This is a vegan milk rice better than the classic recipe (you barely see the difference) that we love when we are feeling cold or hungry !
Une recette de riz au lait moins riche que la version traditionnelle.
Make certain to remove the saucepan from the heat while the rice is still creamy.
You can cook Riz au lait healthy using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Riz au lait healthy
- Prepare 75 g of riz rond.
- You need 500 ml of boisson coco sans sucre (@alpro pour moi) ou autre boisson végétale ou lait écrémé.
- You need of Arôme vanille.
- It's of Édulcorant Special cuisson (l’équivalent en volume de 50g de sucre).
Stir in the butter and sugar for just a minute or so and, then stir in the orange juice. Finally, spoon the Ruiz Au Lait into small bowls or small ramekins. A creamy French classic rice pudding recipe! On the flip side, another French friend likes Riz au lait so much that she eats a little pot of it, that comes from the supermarché (sold in little cups like yogurt), each morning for breakfast.
Riz au lait healthy step by step
- Mettez le tout dans une casserole à feu vif, aux premiers bouillons baissez le feu et cuire 35mn à feu doux en mélangeant de temps en temps.
- Dégustez tiède ou bien frais (moi je préfère froid je trouve ça plus digeste), nature ou avec l’accompagnement de votre choix 😋 ici un au spéculos et les autres avec de la compote cannelle citron maison SSA.
I tasted one once, and they're on the sweet side but certainly have their fans as there are several brands, and containers of it in different sizes. Riz-au-lait is a traditional french recipe - made with regular milk - that you may translate to 'Rice Pudding', but I think the french one has a very notable taste, so maybe it's the same. maybe it's not! haha. Luckily, it is very easily veganised with plant-based milk, without altering the taste or texture. A very cheap, but o so good dessert. While we don't see so much of that happening here, its still one of the best places for a healthy breakfast in all of the world.