Sauce champignon. Heat two tablespoons of the butter in a skillet and add the mushrooms. Cook, stirring, until the mushrooms give up their liquid. Stir in the flour and cook for a couple of minutes.
Allow to simmer until the sauce has thickened and any flouriness has cooked off. (If you prefer, you can omit the cornstarch mix and reduce the sauce down to thicken.
You might need to start with more cream though as this will result in less sauce.
The pan sauce is just an emulsion of reduced stock and butter, but the brown fond in the pan from the steak combined with a double dose of shallots and mushrooms gives it a serious wallop of flavour that will tickle your umami tastebuds.
You can have Sauce champignon using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Sauce champignon
- You need 1 of échalote moyenne ciselée.
- Prepare 100 ml of vin blanc.
- Prepare 250-300 g of champignon émincés.
- It's 200 ml of crème liquide.
- It's of sel, poivre.
I served this with riced yukon gold potatoes. Season with ground black pepper and salt. If you like a thicker sauce, cook it longer until it reduces to your desired consistency. Lengua can be enjoyed with almost any side dishes.
Sauce champignon step by step
- Réaliser les pesées. Verser dans une casserole ou une poêle l'échalote ciselée et le vin blanc (on peut commencer par un déglaçage de sucs de cuisson de viande). Faire revenir quelques minutes puis ajouter les champignons émincés..
- Faire réduire presque à sec, verser la crème liquide, saler et poivrer. Faire réduire de nouveau jusqu'à obtenir une sauce sirupeuse (attention à la crème liquide qui se réduit rapidement au risque de ne plus avoir de liquide pour former la sauce). Utiliser la sauce immédiatement ou maintenir au chaud sur un bain-marie sans ébullition..
May contain traces of gluten, egg, celery and mustard. This pasta sauce is a tribute to mushrooms. Earthy champignons and portobellos, succulent and firm. They are simmered to perfection in a symphony of premium tomatoes, sauteed onions, garlic and Bertolli Olive Oil. Premium flavor once reserved for Italian restaurant sauces.