Soupe courgettes curry 🍵. Heat the oil in a large pot. Stir in the onion, and season with curry powder and salt. Cook and stir until onion is tender and translucent.
Serve it with plain rice, roti or even with bread, it tastes simply delicious.
Made with pantry staples, this courgette curry is super quick to make & is a great way to use up any excess zucchini that's hanging around in your fridge.
Here's an easy, flavorful recipe for Pakistani Zucchini (Courgette) Curry, called Toriyan or 'torai ki sabzi' in Urdu.
You can have Soupe courgettes curry 🍵 using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Soupe courgettes curry 🍵
- Prepare 500 gr of courgettes.
- You need 1 of pomme de terre 🥔.
- It's 1 of gros oignon 🧅.
- It's 1/2 of cas huile d’olive.
- You need 1 of bouillon de légumes.
- Prepare 400 ml of d’eau 💧.
- You need of Curry.
- It's of Poivre.
This is a one-pot vegan curry that will have you loving Zucchini. No one gets excited about zucchini. So naturally, zucchini curry is rarely served at Pakistani dinner parties, or dawats, as we call them. Pack in lots of flavour and nutrients with these easy recipes.
Soupe courgettes curry 🍵 step by step
- Dans une marmite fais revenir l’oignon coupé dans l’huile. Une fois translucide, verse 200ml d’eau avec le bouillon et la patate coupée. Laisse mijoter une fois les patates mi-cuites ajoute les courgettes coupée, le curry (+ ou - 1cac) et les 200ml d’eau restante. Laisse mijoter, une fois les courgettes fondantes mixte le tout dans un blender et hop c’est prêt !.
- À toi d’ajuster en fonction de tes préférences (épices et texture) + liquide ajoute de l’eau + épaisse ajoute un peu de pomme de terre cuite et mixe Trop épicé ? Adoucit avec un peu de crème fraîche.
Once cooked, serve the curry with fresh roti or boiled rice for a lovely dinner. Courgette, previously: courgette and feta fritters // courgette, mushroom, and spring onion frittata // roasted vegetable soup A Simple List of Ingredients: Add the courgettes and the cauliflower florets. Purée the vegetables in a blender adding the spinach directly into the blender with the soup. Pour the blended soup back into the saucepan and stir in the. Serve it with a dollop of yoghurt and warm naan bread.