Recette: Délicieux Poulet cacciatore

Recette: Délicieux Poulet cacciatore

Recettes délicieuses.

Poulet cacciatore. 'Cacciatore' means 'hunter' in Italian and was traditionally a tomato-based stew with root vegetables, garlic, red wine, some herbs and spices, and rabbit (although I definitely prefer chicken)! This hearty stew welcomed home many a 'hunter', now it will welcome your hungry family from work and school! In a large skillet or large ovenproof pan, brown the chicken in half the oil.

Poulet cacciatore Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore is a rustic Italian dish with braised flavorful bone-in chicken slow cooked in a luscious tomato sauce and aromatic vegetables that will change your life! Cacciatore means 'hunter', so this is obviously the type of food that a hunter's wife cooks for her fella when he gets home from a hard morning spent in the countryside. This is also a great dish for big parties, as it looks after itself in the oven. You can cook Poulet cacciatore using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Poulet cacciatore

  1. Prepare 2 of cuisses de poulet.
  2. You need 400 g of coulis de tomate.
  3. It's 1/2 of oignon.
  4. It's 1 gousse of d'ail.
  5. Prepare 1/2 of poivron rouge.
  6. Prepare 40 g of champignons.
  7. It's of sel.
  8. It's of poivre.
  9. Prepare of persil.

Traditional chicken cacciatore is brought to a new level with onions, peppers, mushrooms and red wine. This hunter-style version gives a heartiness and warmth that will satisfy any appetite! This recipe is inspired by the cacciatore that we enjoy from our favorite Italian restaurant. Serve over pasta with freshly-grated Parmesan and a green salad!

Poulet cacciatore instructions

  1. Dans une poêle bien chaude, sans matière grasse, déposer les cuisses de poulet pour les colorer. Lorsqu'elles sont bien dorées, les retirer et les réserver..
  2. Dans cette même poêle avec le gras de cuisson du poulet, faire revenir l'oignon, l'ail, les champignons et les poivrons émincés..
  3. Ajouter le coulis de tomate. Assaisonner avec du sel, du poivre et un peu de persil. Laisser mijoter quelques minutes..
  4. Pendant ce temps, préchauffer le four à 180°C..
  5. Placer ensuite les cuisses de poulet dans un plat allant au four. Verser les légumes par dessus..
  6. Enfourner pour environ 30 minutes. Contrôler la cuisson du poulet..

Chicken Cacciatore Tips What is chicken cacciatore? The Italian word "cacciatore" translates to "hunter". Hunter-style dishes are typically prepared by braising a protein (like chicken) with tomatoes, onions, herbs, vegetables and an acidic ingredient, such as wine or vinegar until tender. The pollo alla cacciatora is a simple and traditional dish prepared with some little differences in almost all the regions of Italy. The chicken is jointed into pieces and quickly pan-fried, then slowly stewed in a tasty tomato sauce.
