Poulet Tchkmerouli. Heat a large oven-safe saute pan over medium-high heat. When the pan is hot, add enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Turn the chicken over and place in the oven.
These fresh herbs add great flavor and aroma to the chicken.
Sometimes I'll chop up the herbs real fine and sprinkle them all over the top of the chicken.
Alternate way to dress chicken is to chop up the herbs and sprinkle them all over the top of the chicken.
You can have Poulet Tchkmerouli using 6 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Poulet Tchkmerouli
- You need 3 of cuisses de poulet coupées en deux.
- You need of Sel, poivre, huile d'olive.
- You need of Sauce.
- It's 30-40 cl of crème liquide max. 30% mat. grasse, moins c'est mieux.
- Prepare 1 of tête entière d'ail.
- You need of De la coriandre en bouquet ou à défaut, du persil.
Inspired by Marilyn, a single parent of two, Poulet began as a take-out only deli designed for people who did not have the time to cook and wanted to take home fresh, healthy, gourmet food. We have always had a simple philosophy: "Food is very basic, let's enjoy it." WING, WINGS, WINGS. Our usual catering menu is also be available during the big game. Mama's Chicken Poulet is a Southern lady's favorite!
Poulet Tchkmerouli instructions
- Dans un saladier, saler bien et poivrer légèrement le poulet. On ne salera pas la sauce..
- Mettre le poulet à dorer de deux côtés dans une poêle avec un peu d'huile d'olive.
- Préchauffer le four à 200°. Mettre les morceaux de poulet dans un plat allant au four..
- Éplucher et ecraser l'ail, couper les herbes.
- La sauce : dans la même poêle, chauffer la crème fraîche sans la faire bouillir. Couper le feu et ajouter l'ail et les herbes. Laisser infuser 5 minutes.
- (J'ai pris des tiges de persil attachés avec un fil de sac de congélation pour tenir, zéro gaspi) et un peu de persil pour décorer.
- Mettre le tout sur le poulet, en répartissant l'ail et les herbes sur la viande.
- Enfourner 30 minutes ou un peu plus. Retourner à la mi-cuisson.
- Déguster arrosé de sauce, avec du pain frais et un verre de vin blanc..
There used to be a little restaurant in Decatur, Alabama called The Iron Gate. My mother dearly loved that place. I remember her taking us to meet her sister there, who'd have my baby cousin with her (That baby is now a DJ in Little Rock, Arkansas - who let him grow up?!). Real food made by hand, our all-natural chickens are freshly roasted daily and sauces are cooked using family recipes. Inspired by Marilyn, a single parent of two, Poulet began as a take-out only deli designed for people who did not have the time to cook and wanted to take home fresh, healthy, gourmet food.