Tortilla espagnole. When done, remove potatoes to a large bowl, leaving oil in the skillet. Cook the remaining potatoes in the oil until tender, then add to the bowl, leaving oil in the skillet. A Spanish tortilla is an egg omelet full of potatoes and onion, started on the stove and finished in the oven.
And yet, when attention is paid to the technique, it's one of the most profoundly delicious dishes imaginable.
Invert tortilla onto a large flat plate and slide back into skillet, bottom side up. (Alternatively, especially if top is still loose at this point, slide tortilla onto plate first.
Tortilla Espanola, or more commonly called a Spanish Tortilla in the West, is a Spanish omelet.
You can cook Tortilla espagnole using 5 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Tortilla espagnole
- You need 4 of grosses pommes de terre.
- Prepare 5 of oeufs.
- It's of Huile d'olive.
- It's 1 of oignon.
- Prepare of Sel.
In Italy, it would be a frittata. A traditional Tortilla Espanola only has a few key ingredients: potatoes, onion, eggs and olive oil. This simple, five-ingredient version takes a cue from a memorable tortilla that she had on a trip to Spain. This Authentic Spanish tortilla recipe, the very famous Tortilla española is the most delicious potato omelette, and one of many amazing tapas that the Spanish cuisine is well known for.
Tortilla espagnole step by step
- Eplucher, laver et couper les pommes de terre en lamelles assez fines et de plus ou moins la même taille.
- Émincer l'oignon.
- Dans une friteuse ou une grande poêle mettre un bon fond d'huile d'olive et faire cuire les pommes de terre et l'oignon sans faire dorer.
- Battre les 5 oeufs dans un saladier avec du sel.
- Quand les pommes de terre et l'oignon sont cuits, les égoutter avec un écumoire et les mettre dans les oeufs battus.
- Bien mélanger et laisser reposer 5 minutes.
- Dans une poêle à rebords hauts, mettre un filet d'huile et verser toute la préparation. Faire cuire à feu doux 5 minutes de chaque côté.
Perfect for brunch or a light dinner, this Spanish tortilla is an absolute treat every single time. A Tortilla Espanola, or Spanish egg and potato omelet, is a great way to soak up that wine you have been drinking all this time too. Let's add a Southern twist with some of my creamy pimento cheese spread! This dish takes a little preparation so be warned, but don't be scared it's not that bad. And it is totally worth it in the end.