Pizza multicolore. Browse Our Specials and Deals Available. Get Your Favourite Pizza at a Great Price. Wish The Holidays Could Be Unlimited?
Depending on the region, there are different types of pizza referred to as tomato pie.
There's the "reverse" pizza, which is your basic pizza (round or square), but with the placement of sauce and cheese reversed; a Philly tomato pie, which is a thick, square, room-temperature pizza topped with a thick sauce and a sprinkling of Parmesan.
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You can cook Pizza multicolore using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Pizza multicolore
- You need of Pâte à pizza.
- Prepare 200 g of farine.
- Prepare 10 cl of d'eau tiède.
- It's 2 cuillères à soupe of d'huile d'olive.
- You need 1 of sachet de levure boulangère.
- Prepare of Garniture.
- Prepare of Sauce tomate.
- You need 1 of tomate.
- Prepare of Quelques champignons.
- It's 1/2 of courgette.
- You need 1/2 of oignon.
- Prepare 1/2 of poivron.
- You need 1/2 of carotte.
- Prepare of Fromage.
- Prepare of Sel, sucre, poivre, herbes.
Our hand stretched dough is made daily and is one of the reasons why customers keep returning. Finely grate the parmesan and thinly slice the mozzarella. Sprinkle a work surface with the cornmeal and use a rolling pin and/or your hands to stretch each piece. Topping a thick-crust pizza with bread crumbs might sound like a strange idea, but it really is the crispy, cheesy secret sauce behind this Sicilian Christmas Pizza.
Pizza multicolore instructions
- Préparer la pâte en mélangeant tous les ingrédients jusqu'à former une boule et laisser reposer pendant 30 minutes..
- Pendant ce temps, faire chauffer la sauce tomate, y ajouter la tomate coupée en dés et les assaisonnements..
- Découper tous les légumes en morceaux..
- Sur un plan de travail fariné, étaler la pâte et la transférer dans le plat de cuisson. Étaler la sauce tomate et repartir les légumes et le fromage. Enfourner 30 minutes à 180 degrés..
Well, that and the actual sauce of onion and anchovies--ingredients you might want to keep secret from guests. Also key is the extremely sticky dough, which bakes into a feather. Pizza like in Italia in your kitchen - this is not a dream! If you play Sara's Cooking Class you will know how to cook healthy homemade pizza yourself. You will like everything about this game - graphics, music, idea, the gameplay and navigation.