Calzone. This is real calzone, because there is no tomato sauce INSIDE of it! We eat it at least once a week. Have a bowl of tomato or spaghetti sauce on the table for people to top their calzone with, if desired.
Calzone is a folded Italian pizza which, by the sheer nature of its shape, is far more portable than a normal pizza and looks a bit.
A calzone is a sort of enclosed pizza, like it has been folded in half.
It originated in Naples, Italy and has since been made various ways.
You can have Calzone using 20 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Calzone
- You need of Pâte à pizza.
- It's 350 g of farine.
- It's 1 of cac de sel.
- You need 1 of sachet de levure B (5g).
- You need 3 of cas d'huile d'olive.
- You need 25 cl of d'eau tiède.
- It's of Farine pour travailler la pâte.
- Prepare of Sauce pizza.
- You need 2 of cas Concentré de tomate.
- You need 2 of cas Sauce Panzani petits légumes.
- Prepare 1/2 of Cac de Sel.
- You need 1/2 of Cac dePoivre.
- Prepare 1/2 of Cac d'Ail en poudre.
- Prepare 1/2 of Cac de Paprika.
- It's 1 of cas de persil.
- It's of Eau tiède.
- It's of Farce.
- You need of Viande hachée.
- You need of Merguez.
- It's of Mozzarella râpé.
Inside of the bread dough, the calzone is filled with cheeses, meats, vegetables, and sometimes sauce. What are Some Good Calzone Fillings? This is real calzone, because there is no tomato sauce INSIDE of it! We eat it at least once a week.
Calzone instructions
- Commencer par préparer la pâte : mélanger la farine, le sel, la levure et l'huile d'olive puis ajouter l'eau progressivement. Couvrir d'un torchon et laisser lever 1h..
- Préparer la sauce, tout mettre dans un bol et mélanger, ajouter de l'eau jusqu'a obtention de la texture souhaité, n'hésitez pas à goûter et Re assaisonné..
- Après la pousse dégazer la pâte, fariner un plan de travailler et façonner la pâte. Commencer par déposer les sauce au centre..
- Ajouter ensuite la viande cuite (ici merguez et viande hachée) puis la mozzarella. Bien souder les bords et enfourner 20/25min à 180 degrés..
Have a bowl of tomato or spaghetti sauce on the table for people to top their calzone with, if desired. A calzone is an oven-baked, folded pizza that has sealed edges so all the good stuff stays in! Anything that goes on a pizza can go into a calzone! The pizza fillings are placed on one half of the circular shaped pizza dough. The dough is then folded over, crimped, coated with an egg wash or a brush of olive oil and baked in the oven.