Pizza tartiflette. Wish The Holidays Could Be Unlimited? Tartiflette Pizza Now tartiflette is a dish from Savoie, where my French dad grew up. Tartiflette is made of potatoes, reblochon cheese (kinda like Brie, but don't tell Jean-Marc I said that!), lardons (kinda like diced bacon), and onions.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat.
Drain and allow to steam dry for a minute or two.
The name "tartiflette" may have been derived from the Piedmontese word for potato " tartiflâ ".
You can have Pizza tartiflette using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Pizza tartiflette
- Prepare of Pâte à tarte Lo Reine.
- It's 4 of grosse pommes de terre.
- It's 1 of oignon.
- It's 4 c of soupe de crème fraîche épaisse.
- Prepare 100 g of lardons.
- It's 8 of tranches de fromage à raclette.
- It's of Sel.
The original recipe includes potatoes, onions, lardons (bacon), garlic, salt, pepper and the reblochon cheese which is baked. J'adore tartiflette… I have even done it in thin crust pizza form. Reblochon means to milk the cow twice… a system "d" way to get around paying the tax. farmers partially milked the cow in the morning, waited for the tax man mid day, and then finished milking the cows ! All you want to know about Pizza Tartiflette.
Pizza tartiflette instructions
- Cuire les pommes de terre à l’eau et les couper en rondelles sur la pâte à tarte Lo Reine..
- Ajouter le fromage à raclette, les lardons, l’oignon couper en fines tranches, et la crème fraîche.
- Préchauffer le four au maximum, enfourner et laisser cuire le temps que la pâte gonfle environ 15 mns sinon elle est trop dure..
- Servir chaud avec une bonne salade. Et bon appétit 😋.
You are in the right place. At you can find everything you want to know about Pizza Tartiflette. And of cause you can order a tasty pizza! So find info and order pizza online! You can help to complete it by editing it and adding more data from the photos we have, or by taking more photos using the app for Android or iPhone/iPad.