Pain d’épices. Pain d'épices can be made with honey, rye or wheat flour (depending on the region), and spices such as cardamom, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. It is usually baked into a loaf and served with savory dishes, such as foie grass or gourmet cheeses. However, it is also often incorporated into or served alongside classic French desserts.
This recipe is taken from Crumb by Richard Bertinet, published by Kyle Books.
French pain d'épices often gets mistranslated into English as "gingerbread," but the two cakes bear little resemblance to one another.
Indeed, while the flavor of American gingerbread is dominated by molasses and the eponymous ginger, pain d'épices features rye flour, anise seed, and honey.
You can cook Pain d’épices using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Pain d’épices
- You need 1/2 of sachet de levure.
- Prepare 250 g of miel.
- Prepare 10 cl of jus d’orange chaud.
- You need 200 g of farine.
- You need 50 g of vergeoise ou cassonade.
- Prepare 1 of oeuf.
- Prepare 2 of cuilleres à café de mélange 4 épices.
- You need 1 of pincée de bicarbonate.
Classic French Spiced Bread (Pain d'Épices) Audrey Rye flour, a good amount of honey and a unique spice blend are the key components of a great Classic French Spiced Bread - also known as Pain d'Épices. This cross between a cake and a bread is a holiday staple in France. It can be found on most Christmas market stalls, sold in big slabs. Pain d'épices can be made with honey, rye or wheat flour (depending on the region), and spices such as cardamom, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.
Pain d’épices instructions
- Diluez le miel avec le jus d’orange..
- Ajoutez la farine et mélangez au fouet..
- Ajoutez la levure, la cassonade, l’œuf, les épices, le bicarbonate et le zeste d’orange..
- Versez dans un moule à cake beurré et cuire dans un four préchauffé à 180 degrés pendant 35 minutes..
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It is usually baked into a loaf and served with savory dishes, such as foie grass or gourmet cheeses. However, it is also often incorporated into or served alongside classic French desserts. This pain d'épices (French gingerbread loaf) is the perfect wintry treat with minimal effort. A dark chocolate brown, this gingerbread is different from its light and fluffy American cousin. Many traditional pain d'épices recipes utilize honey as a sweetener and are a lighter color than this one.