Cookies spéculos. Speculoos Cookies (Classic Recipe) Bake up some perfectly crisp 'n' spicy Speculoos Cookies (Classic Recipe) for the holidays or any time using this great recipe. One bite and you'll be transported to a nostalgic era. Have you ever had a Speculoos Cookie, they are also called Speculaas?
Using a knife, trim excess dough.
Gently coax dough out of mold with fingertips and onto a baking sheet.
Speculoos, pronounced "speck-you-lows", are Belgian spiced cookies, also popular across Europe (especially in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria).
You can cook Cookies spéculos using 7 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Cookies spéculos
- You need 230 g of spéculos en poudre.
- You need 150 g of farine.
- Prepare 15 cl of lait.
- You need 1 of oeuf.
- You need 1 of pincée de sel.
- It's 1 of sachet de levure chimique.
- You need 100 g of beurre.
These cookies are traditionally baked for the holidays, and are sometimes called St. Nicholas cookies or Dutch Windmill Cookies because of their shape. Place dough on Silpat or parchment. Use bench flour as necessary to prevent sticking.
Cookies spéculos instructions
- Coupez le beurre en morceaux faire un peu réchauffé, mettez le dans un saladier ajouter le spéculos écrasé puis la farine, levure chimique le sel et l’œuf mélanger et ajouter doucement le lait ! Malaxer jusqu à obtenir une pâte puis faites vos petits ronds ! Plaque de cuisson et enfournez au four à 180 degré pendant 8 min ! Et hop les petits cookies 🍪.
Transfer Silpat to a cookie sheet. Transfer Silpat to a cooling rack until room temperature. Speculoos are likewise popular in the Netherlands (speculaas or Dutch windmill cookies) and Germany (spekulatius). This speculoos recipe creates those perfectly delicious, thin, crispy, crunchy, caramelized cookies that are positively irresistible eaten plain or dunked in a hot beverage. Speculoos are Belgian cookies with a crisp, light, open-crumbed texture and a blend of caramelized sugar and warm spice flavors.