Pain perdu. In a large bowl, whisk together. This is an excellent recipe to use as a basic pain perdu recipe to which you can add warm gnutella and make sandwiches of before french-toasting or cream cheese and orange marmalade a la Mimi's Restaurant. A super use for leftover egg bread and a rich treat!
A cross between bread pudding and French toast, Pain Perdu looks especially elegant when cut into neat rounds with a biscuit cutter or drinking glass.
A cross between bread pudding and French toast, Pain Perdu looks especially elegant when cut into neat rounds with a biscuit cutter or drinking glass.
Pain Perdu is really the origins of our American "French Toast" recipes, but I find it's even better with a thicker, heartier bread like a baguette.
You can cook Pain perdu using 7 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Pain perdu
- It's 120 g of pain ou de brioche.
- Prepare 2 of oeufs.
- Prepare 1 of demi verre de lait.
- You need 1 of sachet de sucre vanillé.
- You need of Du sucre roux.
- You need of De la cannelle.
- Prepare of Noisette de beurre.
What are the ingredients of Le Pain Perdu? The ingredients are simple and chances are you have all of them already on hand. Pain Perdu (pronounced pan pare-due) literally means "lost bread", referring to this dishes' magical ability to rescue stale bread that would otherwise be lost. It's the original French Toast, and with a crisp buttery exterior and a soft custardy interior Pain Perdu makes for a sinful Sunday morning brunch.
Pain perdu instructions
- Dans un plat, mélanger les œufs, le lait et le sucre vanillé..
- Couper le pain en tranches de 2 cm d'épaisseur..
- Laisser les tranches tremper dans le mélange œufs et lait. Les tranches doivent être bien imprégnées avant de les cuire..
- Faire chauffer une poêle antiadhésive..
- Une fois bien chaude, mettre le beurre et avant qu'il ne noircisse, faire cuire les tranches de pain..
- Les retourner régulièrement jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient bien dorées..
- En fin de cuisson ou au moment de servir, saupoudrer de sucre et de cannelle..
- Déguster chaud..
- Bon appétit 😋.
This French toast recipe, or pain perdu, is an easy preparation of thickly sliced bread soaked in a sweetened, vanilla-scented custard mixture and then fried in butter to golden perfection. The name pain perdu literally means lost bread and is used in reference to using day-old bread that would otherwise be lost. Dress up this French toast recipe with a dusting of confectioners' sugar, whipped. In large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Repeat with remaining bread, adding more oil if necessary.