Tarte normande 🍎. Many classics, like the tarte Normande, fit that bill. It's meant to be a simple, unfussy dessert; apple slices baked under a buttery crust under a blanket of Calvados-spiked cream. The crust on this tart is meant to meld with the fruit and custard filling, not be a completely separate entity.
Unlike most other classic French apple tarts, which are typically topped with beautifully arranged apple slices and baked until the apples are caramelized, tarte Normande is made with a layer of apples covered in a custard that is baked until it sets The result was an amazing Tarte Normande aux Pommes.
It's not too sweet, and has the perfect blend of apples and custard.
French Apple Tart, Tarte Normande, is a French dessert that features signature ingredients from the northern region of the country.
You can cook Tarte normande 🍎 using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Tarte normande 🍎
- It's 1 of pâte brisée sucrée maison (post précédent du 17.10.2020).
- You need 6 of petites pommes BIO (ici 500g).
- It's 250 g of crème liquide à 30%.
- Prepare 4 of Ĺ“ufs.
- It's 90 g of sucre.
- You need 1/2 cuillère à café of canelle en poudre.
Apples, apple brandy, cream, and butter combine in a delicious dessert that is as simple to make as it is elegant to look at. The tart is done when the top has browned and a toothpick plunged into the custard comes out clean. Slide tart onto a rack or serving dish. You can use either a homemade or store bought crust for the Tarte Normande.
Tarte normande 🍎 instructions
- Prenez votre pâte brisée sucrée et l'étaler à 2mm d'épaisseur (ou une pâte du commerce).
- Mettre la pâte sur papier sulfurisé. La placer sur votre moule à tarte et couper l'excédent au couteau. Piquer l'intérieur avec une fourchette..
- Laver, éplucher, épépiner, couper les pommes en morceaux 1cm environ.
- Mettre les pommes coupées dans le fond de la pâte à tarte. Couvrir le fond et ne pas faire plusieurs épaisseurs.
- Dans un saladier, mettre la crème, les œufs, le sucre et la canelle, mélanger.
- Verser l'appareil sur les pommes.
- Cuire 40min à 180°C puis 15min à 200°C.
- Déguster ❤️.
It can be made with either a sweetened pie crust (pâte sablée) or unsweetened (pâte brisée). The crust should be "blind baked" before filling with the custard so that it does not turn soggy. Directions for blind baking are given in the apple custard tart. Tarte Normande (French version of the American Apple Pie) is a French classic where apples, apple brandy, cream, and butter are combined to make this simple yet elegant fall dessert. Normandy, a region famous not only for apples but also for its Calvados apple liqueur, both of which are essential ingredients of Tarte Normande (French Apple Pie) Normandy tart is a shortcrust pastry-based (pâte brisée) variant of the apple tart made in Normandy filled with apples, sliced almonds and sugar, topped with creamy egg custard and baked until the topping is slightly caramelised.