Buche noel. Compare Prices on Buche De Noel Mold in Bakeware. Buche de Noel is the French name for a Christmas cake shaped like a log. This one is a heavenly flourless chocolate cake rolled with chocolate whipped cream.
Literally translated, the name of this recipe means "yule log." This traditional French Christmas cake is shaped and decorated to resemble a wooden log and often garnished with meringue "mushrooms" or "moss" made from chopped pistachio nuts.
The cake did not roll, and cracked so it was unusable for making a buche de noel.
This buche de noel recipe is a lovely holiday classic for the French, made during Christmas time.
You can cook Buche noel using 12 ingredients and 20 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Buche noel
- You need of Pour le biscuit roule.
- Prepare 3 of œufs.
- You need 2 of jaunes d œufs.
- It's 110 gr of sucre en poudre.
- It's 120 gr of beurre.
- It's 100 gr of farine de blé.
- It's 1 cuillère à café of levure chimique.
- You need 50 gr of sucre glace.
- You need of Pour la ganache au chocolat.
- Prepare 150 gr of chocolat noir.
- You need 200 gr of creme liquide 30% de matière Grasse.
- You need 50 gr of Noisettes.
In America, we know a buche de noel cake as a yule log cake. In France, the cake is also referred to as a gateau de noel or gataeu roulé. Bûche de Noël This reverse twist on the familiar holiday Yule Log pairs light vanilla sponge cake with chocolate ganache filling; that same creamy ganache turns the cake into a pretty forest log, a striking and delicious way to welcome the season. To make the traditional version of this dessert, see our recipe for Classic Bûche de Noël.
Buche noel step by step
- Raper le chocolat au robot.
- Faire fondre 5 min à 55 degrés.
- Ajouter la crème liquide et mélanger.
- Mixer les noisettes et ajouter les a la ganache chocolat.
- Préchauffer le four à 180 deg.
- Tapissez une plaque à pâtisserie d une feuille de papier cuisson.
- Mettre les œufs entiers, les jaunes d œufs et le sucre puis mélanger.
- Ajouter le beurre et mélanger.
- Ajouter la farine et la levure chimique puis mélanger.
- Transvaser le contenu sur la plaque préparée.
- A l aide d une spatule, repartir la pâte sur le papier cuisson.
- Enfourner et cuire 15 min à 180 degrés.
- Quand la pâte est juste dorée la sortir du four et la démouler sur un torchon humide puis rouler l ensemble.
- Laisser refroidir complètement.
- Dérouler le biscuit et tartiner généreusement.
- Puis le rouler délicatement.
- Réserver 20 minutes au frigo.
- Couper les 2 extrémités pour une finition propre.
- Saupoudrer de sucre glace.
- Manger 😂😂😂😊😊😊.
The cake represents the yule log that families would burn starting on Christmas Eve. Flavor: My Bûche De Noël includes a light cocoa cake, cocoa hazelnut whipped cream spiked with Frangelico (can definitely skip the booze if you want), and is topped with smooth chocolate ganache. Since ganache is incredibly rich, the other elements have lighter cocoa flavors. In fact, the cake tastes like a mug of hot cocoa. The Yule-log dessert served around the holidays, Bûche de Noël is a distinctly French tradition.