Friand. A friand is a small almond cake, popular in Australia and New Zealand, closely related to the French financier. The principal ingredients are almond flour, egg whites, butter, and powdered sugar. A friand typically has additional flavorings such as coconut, chocolate, fruit, and nuts.
Blueberry Friand: Once the cake batter is in the tin, push two or three blueberries into the cake batter and bake as usual.
Only use fresh blueberries for this recipe.
If friand moulds are not available, muffin tins can be used.
You can have Friand using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Friand
- Prepare 1 of pâte feuilletée.
- You need 4 of tranches de jambon.
- Prepare 1 of petite boîte de champignons.
- Prepare of Béchamel.
- It's 20 g of farine.
- Prepare 20 g of beurre.
- You need 250 ml of lait.
- You need of Noix de muscade.
- It's of Sel/poivre.
- Prepare of Cuisson.
- You need 1 of jaune d'oeuf.
Place dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir to combine. Add egg whites and butter and stir again until the mixture is smooth. Sprinkle the toffee over the friand batter. Like a lot of Australian cuisine, friands are not an indigenous invention.
Friand instructions
- Réalisez la béchamel : faire fondre le beurre dans une casserole, une fois fondu mettre en une fois la farine et mélanger. Ajoutez ensuite le lait, la noix de muscade et faire cuire jusqu'à épaississement. Sel poivre..
- Mettre la pâte feuilletée sur une plat a four..
- Montage : sur la moitié de la pâte mettre une première couche de béchamel, 2 tranches de jambon et des champignons. Faire de même une nouvelle fois..
- Rabattre la moitié sur le montage. Fermez le friand avec une fourchette et mettre du jaune d'oeuf de partout dessus. Avec un couteau vous pouvez faire un léger décor et mettre au four 25 min à 180 degrés.
Originally from France, they are now stacked high on the counters of beachside cafés all over the country. The perfect snack with a cup of coffee after a morning spent in the surf, friands are closely related to financiers: small rectangular loaves said to resemble bars of gold. If you are someone who, like me, makes a lot of custard, pastry or shortbread, you might find yourself with a lot of leftover egg whites. I follow Nigella Lawson's tip to freeze egg whites in small zip-lock freezer bags - usually in pairs - which means that I always have egg whites on hand to make pavlovas, meringues, and friands. Use a toothpick to swirl the lemon curd lightly through the batter.