Brioche Nanterre. Brioche Nanterre Known for its iconic "bubble" top, this rich, yeasted bread is enriched with butter, eggs, milk, and sugar to deliver its fluffy and buttery texture. Watch video below for rising tips. Brioche Nanterre This Brioche Nanterre can be well enjoyed on its own because of its buttery and rich flavor.
This is a delicious bread rich in egg and butter and is light and slightly puffy.
It is made by using the same basic brioche dough but shaped a little different.
Two rows of small pieces of dough are placed in a pan and then proofed.
You can cook Brioche Nanterre using 7 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Brioche Nanterre
- You need 250 g of farine.
- Prepare 25 g of sucre en poudre.
- It's 5 g of sel.
- Prepare 5 g of levure sèche ou 10g de fraîche.
- It's 150 g of d’œufs (3 oeufs environ).
- It's 100 g of beurre mou.
- Prepare 1 of oeuf pour la dorure.
The pieces stick with each other at the bottom and make an attractive pattern on top. A famous type of brioche is the so-called " Nanterre ", from the name of a city near Paris. It is baked in a standard bread loaf mould and it has a very recognizable pattern, obtained by arranging two rows of small pieces of dough in the pan. Nanterre Brioche Brioches are mainly made of flour, eggs, and butter, LOTS of butter!
Brioche Nanterre step by step
- Au robot muni du crochet, mélanger le sel, la farine, le sucre, les œufs et la levure jusqu’à obtenir une préparation lisse.
- Ajouter le beurre et pétrir à nouveau jusqu’à incorporation complète..
- Mettre un torchon dessus et laisser reposer 30 minutes près d’une source de chaleur..
- La sortir et la degazer. Bouler à nouveau avec un peu de farine. Remettre dans la cuve et réserver au frigo 2 heures..
- Déposer la pâte sur le plan de travail et diviser en 8 parts..
Aplatir puis bouler. Déposer dans un moule beurré et fariné..
- Laisser pousser à nouveau 30 minutes près d’une source de chaleur. Dorer à l’aide d’un pinceau avec l’œuf battu. (2 fois a 10 minutes d’intervalle)..
- Puis enfourner 30 minutes à 180•C..
- Démouler et laisser refroidir sur une grille..
- Pour garder le moelleux, la mettre directement dans un torchon..
- Et si un peu sèche, passer chaque tranche 10 sec au micro onde avant de déguster..
The question is how can Nanterre style brioche become so aerated with so much fat? The art consist in mixing the dough for a long moment. I've applied here instructions for a classic Brioche Nanterre. This loaf does break from convention in that it is egg washed twice. Once before rising and the second before going into the oven.