Brioche. To make brioche in a stand mixer, combine the water, yeast, flour, sugar, and eggs in a mixing bowl. With the mixer running, gradually add the softened butter a tablespoon at a time, mixing well after each addition. Using a spatula, mix until well combined, then cover with plastic wrap and let sit.
Brioche is considered a Viennoiserie because it is made in the same basic way as bread, but has the richer aspect of a pastry because of the extra addition of eggs, butter, liquid (milk, water, cream, and, sometimes, brandy) and occasionally sugar.
Mix the ingredients together with a rubber spatula, mixing just until everything is blended.
Sprinkle over the remaining cup of flour to cover the sponge.
You can have Brioche using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Brioche
- Prepare 500 g of Farine.
- You need 3 of œufs.
- It's 250 g of Beurre.
- Prepare 100 g of Sucre.
- It's 20 g of levure boulangère.
- Prepare 8 g of sel.
- It's 100 ml of lait.
Add to dry ingredients; beat until moistened. Brioche (pronounced brie-osh) is a rich yeast dough made with eggs and butter. You're basically taking regular sandwich bread and turning it into something so tender, buttery, and rich that it walks the line between bread and cake. Brioche is not, however, inherently sweet.
Brioche instructions
- Verser, dans la cuve de vôtre rebot, tout les ingrédient sauf le beurre (Il faut pas que la levure soit en contact avec le sel). pétrir quelque minute une foi la pate soit bien lisse, Incorporerz progressivement le beurre bien mou petit a petit. continuez de petrir 5 minutes supplémentaires. La pâte est bien lisse et claque sur les parois..
- Laisser reposer une heure à température ambiante. Une fois la pâte a doubler de volume Déposer la sur un plan de travail fariné, dégazer en aplatissant la pâte avec vos mains. La placer dans un récipient propre, filmer et laissé lever la brioche toute une nuit au réfrigérateur..
- Lendemain, sortir la pâte du réfrigérateur, la déposer sur un plan de travail fariné. Dégazer à nouveau,deviser la pâte selon la forme de votre choix pour ma part j'ai choisi des brioche individuelle..
- Laisser pousser environ 30 min a température ambiante. Dorer à l’œuf et enfourner dans un four préchauffé à 200°c, en suite, Baissez à 180°c environs 15 a 20 minutes..
True brioche—the classic French yeast bread that's rich and golden with butter and eggs, boasting a paper-thin crust and a silky, tender crumb—is a rare and wonderful thing. But as special as it is, brioche isn't difficult to make. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar and set aside briefly. Brioche bread is a French bread, and a cross between a pastry and bread. This is because the bread is enriched with butter and eggs.