Brioche. To make brioche in a stand mixer, combine the water, yeast, flour, sugar, and eggs in a mixing bowl. With the mixer running, gradually add the softened butter a tablespoon at a time, mixing well after each addition. Using a spatula, mix until well combined, then cover with plastic wrap and let sit.
Examples of brioche in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Morningstar doles out pastries, kolaches, and brioche-style donuts in atypical flavors such as matcha green tea with white chocolate ganache, pomegranate cream-filled, and a fritter made with pineapple, salted lime, and chile.
Brioche (pronounced brie-osh) is a rich yeast dough made with eggs and butter.
You're basically taking regular sandwich bread and turning it into something so tender, buttery, and rich that it walks the line between bread and cake.
You can cook Brioche using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Brioche
- It's 25 g of levure de boulanger fraîche.
- You need 70 ml of lait.
- It's 170 g of beurre ramolli.
- It's 3 of œufs.
- It's 440 g of farine.
- You need 4 c. à soupe of sucre en poudre.
- You need 1,5 c. à café of sel.
Brioche is not, however, inherently sweet. True brioche—the classic French yeast bread that's rich and golden with butter and eggs, boasting a paper-thin crust and a silky, tender crumb—is a rare and wonderful thing. But as special as it is, brioche isn't difficult to make. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar and set aside briefly.
Brioche instructions
- Délayer la levure de boulanger dans le lait. Réserver..
- Tout mélanger, en respectant l’ordre des ingrédients et en mélangeant à chaque introduction d’ingrédient :.
- Travailler le beurre pour en faire une « pommade », ajouter les œufs en mélangeant au fouet (consistance d’œufs brouillés) puis la farine, le sucre et enfin le sel. Bien mélanger..
- Faire un puits au milieu de cette préparation et y verser le mélanger lait/levure. Bien mélanger.
- Laisser reposer la pâte à température ambiante sous un torchon pendant 3 h et sans jamais soulever le torchon.
- Après les 3 heures de repos, pétrir un peu la pâte. En fonction du résultat souhaité, répartir la pâte en 2, ajouter éventuellement morceaux de pralines, pépites de chocolat, etc., la façonner comme souhaité (en boule, en long, tressé, etc.) pour la disposer sur une plaque ou en moules.
- Laisser reposer à nouveau 1h environ sous un torchon.
- Cuire les brioches pendant env. 30 min à 180°C.
Brioche bread is a French bread, and a cross between a pastry and bread. This is because the bread is enriched with butter and eggs. It belongs to the family of viennoisseries (think croissants, Danish pastries, sweet rolls etc.). It's a very buttery, soft and delicious bread and can be made into sweet brioche or savory brioche. Directions In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk.