Galette des rois healthy. Place the almond paste into a food processor or blender with about half of the sugar, and process until well blended. The galette des rois, celebrating Epiphany, the day the Three Kings (les rois) visited the infant Jesus, is baked throughout January in France. Composed of two circles of puff pastry sandwiching a frangipani filling, each comes with a crown and always has a trinket, called a fève, or bean, baked into it.
This simple tart is easy to make at home, with crisp puff pastry and a delicious almond filling.
You'll want to enjoy it more than once a year.
I've made several times at home and it is delicious.
You can have Galette des rois healthy using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Galette des rois healthy
- You need 2 of feuilles filo.
- Prepare 2 of œufs.
- It's 50 g of poudre d’amande.
- You need 80 g of compote de pommes sans sucre.
- It's 3 cc of sucre en poudre.
For the cream filling: Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Stir in the almonds, then the egg, rum and vanilla. Beat until smooth with a fork. A galette des rois is made of an irresistibly creamy almond filling sandwiched between two flaky, buttery layers of puff pastry.
Galette des rois healthy instructions
- Préchauffer le four à 200 C.
- Découper les 2 feuilles filo en 2 et les replier en 2 pour les placer dans des mini moules à tarte en fronçant les côtés..
- Séparer le blanc et le jaune d’un œuf et réserver le jaune..
- Dans un saladier battre l’œuf et le blanc avec le sucre, la poudre d’amande et la compote..
- Diviser la préparation en 3 et garnir chaque moule..
- Découper un cercle de la taille de votre moule dans la pâte filo pour recouvrir la préparation..
- Diluer le jaune d’œuf avec un peu d’eau et badigeonner au pinceau le dessus de la galette..
- Enfourner pour 15 à 20 mn..
The ingredients for almond cream all go into a food processor to blend, and then the paste is spread onto store-bought puff pastry, making this impressive cake simple to put together. Just made my Galette des Rois today. I wish I had seen this recipe first. The one I attempted was a mistake. Had to infuse milk with vanilla bean, whisk a bajillion egg yolks with the milk, make the almond paste separately, later mix it all together — and it was ultimately too runny to fill the tart.