Galette des rois. Place the almond paste into a food processor or blender with about half of the sugar, and process until well blended. The galette des rois, celebrating Epiphany, the day the Three Kings (les rois) visited the infant Jesus, is baked throughout January in France. Composed of two circles of puff pastry sandwiching a frangipani filling, each comes with a crown and always has a trinket, called a fève, or bean, baked into it.
The ingredients for almond cream all go into a food processor to blend, and then the paste is spread onto store-bought puff pastry, making this impressive cake simple to put together.
Galette des rois is the traditional French Epiphany cake (king cake) but this tasty and easy combination of puff pastry & almond cream filling is perfect any time.
Tradition dictates that when serving galette des rois, the entire cake should be divided such that each guest receives a slice, plus an extra, symbolic slice for any unexpected visitor, or poor person, that should pass by.
You can cook Galette des rois using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Galette des rois
- Prepare 2 of pâtes feuilletée inversée faites maison (voir ma recette dans mon profil).
- Prepare 2 of oeufs.
- It's 120 g of beurre mou.
- You need 130 g of poudre d’amandes.
- It's 1 of bouchon de rhum.
- Prepare 100 g of sucre en poudre.
- Prepare of Arôme amande amer.
- You need of Dorure.
- You need 1 of jaune d’œuf.
- You need 1 of oeuf.
- Prepare of Sirop.
- You need 50 g of sucre.
- Prepare 50 g of d’eau.
In this way, everyone has the opportunity to "tirer les rois," - or "draw the kings" - from the cake. Supposedly, it's a traditional dessert created to honour the three kings who travelled thousands of miles to visit the baby Jesus in Bethlehem… but actually it is a load of old baloney! Galette des Rois: The French tart with a charm. Article from photo by Steph Gray / Flickr.
Galette des rois step by step
- Étaler vos pâtes feuilletée et mettre le premier cercle sur une plaque munie de feuille de cuisson..
- Crème d’amandes : fouetter le beurre avec le sucre. Ajouter les œufs, la poudre d’amandes jusqu’à obtenir une crème. Ajouter le rhum et l’arôme d’amandes amer. Mélanger à nouveau..
- Déposer dans votre premier cercle en laissant les bords libres. Ajouter la fève. Mouiller les bords et déposer votre second cercle et veillant à bien souder..
- Dorure : mélanger les œufs ensemble est dorer la galette en 2 fois à 10 minutes d’intervalle. Je la mets au congélateur entre 2..
- Faire les décorations à l’aide d’un scalpel sans trop appuyer. Faire quelques trous pour laisser échapper l’air. Remettre au congélateur le temps de préchauffer le four..
- Préchauffer le four à 205•C et enfourner pendant 25 minutes..
- Brillance : faire bouillir l’eau et le sucre et déposer ce sirop sur le dessus de la galette dès la sortie du four à l’aide d’un pinceau..
The cake is round with a large hole in the centre, resembling a crown covered with crystallized and dried fruit. Epiphany is when the the Magi (three wise men or three kings) visited the baby Jesus. If you are travelling in France in December and early January, leading up to this date, you will see numerous cakes in boulangerie window. An ultra-buttery, remarkably flaky pastry crust stuffed with almond filling, this is quite possibly the easiest "fancy" dessert you'll ever make. The Galette des Rois is a way for French people to celebrate the Epiphany, the arrival of the Three Wise men (Magi).