Galette Frangipane. Make the frangipane: Combine the almond flour, granulated sugar, all-purpose flour, butter, egg, brandy (if using), extract, pie spice and salt in a medium bowl and mix with a rubber spatula until. Greedy people extend this day-long tradition to make more Galette des Rois during January. This blueberry peach frangipane galette combines homemade flaky pastry crust, sweet almond cream, and plenty of fresh summer fruit.
A rustic free-form tart, like this one with pears delicately fanned across a layer of frangipane, is a beautiful dessert for the Thanksgiving table.
If you like, you can garnish the galette with toasted sliced almonds or finely chopped candied ginger.
Line a baking sheet with baking parchment.
You can have Galette Frangipane using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Galette Frangipane
- It's 200 g of poudre d'amande.
- You need 100 g of sucre.
- It's 75 g of beurre.
- It's 2 of oeufs + 1 pour la dorure.
- It's 2 of pâte feuilletée.
Roll out half the pastry on a lightly floured worktop until slightly thinner than a pound coin. Peach Frangipane Galette How-To Make the foolproof pastry dough and store briefly in the fridge. Without washing the food processor, make the frangipane. Roll out the dough, and transfer to a sheet pan.
Galette Frangipane instructions
- Dans une calotte, ajouter la poudre d'amande, le sucre et le beurre pommade et malaxer du bout des doigts..
- Ajouter le deux oeufs et re-mélanger jusqu'à l'obtention d'une pâte. Mettez-la dans une poche à douille..
- Étaler la pâte feuilletée et piquer là à la fourchette, pocher la pâte. Puis placer la fève.
- Refermer votre galette, dorer là avec le troisième oeufs puis enfourner 25 minutes dans un four préchauffer à 190° degrés.
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An ultra-buttery, remarkably flaky pastry crust stuffed with almond filling, this is quite possibly the easiest "fancy" dessert you'll ever make. The frangipane addition is genius and the galette was not too sweet, just right. I'll definitely make this one again. I used the the apricot jam with. A Galette des Rois is comprised of a top and bottom layer of puff pastry, with a filling made from ground almonds (called a frangipane).